Magh Bihu, also known as Bhogali Bihu, is a festival celebrated in the Indian state of Assam. Magh Bihu is typically observed in the month of Magh, which corresponds to January in the Gregorian calendar.
Magh Bihu is primarily an agrarian festival, and it marks the end of the harvesting season. It is a time for the Assamese people to express their gratitude for a successful harvest and seek blessings for the upcoming agricultural year. During this festival, people prepare various traditional dishes and sweets, specially made from newly harvested crops like rice and sesame seeds. The feast includes dishes like pitha (rice cakes), laru (sweet sesame balls), and various other local delicacies.
Let’s come together and light our customary Meji, eat a delicious Assamese style breakfast with Pitha, laru, Sira/Doi and lots of assamese dishes. Also, be ready to take part in a picnic style outdoor cooking of our yearly lunch with a menu like Mutton Curry, Chicken Curry, Veg Items, Dali and Lots of Pitika and of course Khar 🙂
And of course, lots of family fun, games, music !!!
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